Source code for p4p.nt.ndarray

"""Helper for handling NTNDArray a la. areaDetector.

Known attributes

"ColorMode"   (inner-most left, as given in NDArray.cpp, numpy.ndarray.shape is reversed from this)
 0 - Mono   [Nx, Ny]
 1 - Bayer  [Nx, Ny]
 2 - RGB1   [3, Nx, Ny]
 3 - RGB2   [Nx, 3, Ny]
 4 - RGB3   [Nx, Ny, 3]
 5 - YUV444 ?
 6 - YUV422 ??
 7 - YUV411 ???

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import time
import numpy

from ..wrapper import Type, Value
from .common import alarm, timeStamp

from .scalar import ntwrappercommon

[docs]class ntndarray(ntwrappercommon, numpy.ndarray): """ Augmented numpy.ndarray with additional attributes * .attrib - dictionary * .severity * .status * .timestamp - Seconds since 1 Jan 1970 UTC as a float * .raw_stamp - A tuple (seconds, nanoseconds) * .raw - The underlying :py:class:`p4p.Value`. """ attrib = None def _store(self, value): ntwrappercommon._store(self, value) self.attrib = {} for elem in value.get('attribute', []): self.attrib[] = elem.value # we will fail if dimension[] contains None s, or if # the advertised shape isn't consistent with the pixel array length. shape = [D.size for D in value.dimension] shape.reverse() # in-place reshape! Isn't numpy fun self.shape = shape or [0] # can't reshape if 0-d, so treat as 1-d if no dimensions provided return self
[docs]class NTNDArray(object): """Representation of an N-dimensional array with meta-data Translates into `ntndarray` """ Value = Value ntndarray = ntndarray # map numpy.dtype.char to .value union member name _code2u = { '?':'booleanValue', 'b':'byteValue', 'h':'shortValue', 'i':'intValue', 'l':'longValue', 'B':'ubyteValue', 'H':'ushortValue', 'I':'uintValue', 'L':'ulongValue', 'f':'floatValue', 'd':'doubleValue', }
[docs] @staticmethod def buildType(extra=[]): """Build type """ return Type([ ('value', ('U', None, [ ('booleanValue', 'a?'), ('byteValue', 'ab'), ('shortValue', 'ah'), ('intValue', 'ai'), ('longValue', 'al'), ('ubyteValue', 'aB'), ('ushortValue', 'aH'), ('uintValue', 'aI'), ('ulongValue', 'aL'), ('floatValue', 'af'), ('doubleValue', 'ad'), ])), ('codec', ('S', 'codec_t', [ ('name', 's'), ('parameters', 'v'), ])), ('compressedSize', 'l'), ('uncompressedSize', 'l'), ('uniqueId', 'i'), ('dataTimeStamp', timeStamp), ('alarm', alarm), ('timeStamp', timeStamp), ('dimension', ('aS', 'dimension_t', [ ('size', 'i'), ('offset', 'i'), ('fullSize', 'i'), ('binning', 'i'), ('reverse', '?'), ])), ('attribute', ('aS', 'epics:nt/NTAttribute:1.0', [ ('name', 's'), ('value', 'v'), ('tags', 'as'), ('descriptor', 's'), ('alarm', alarm), ('timestamp', timeStamp), ('sourceType', 'i'), ('source', 's'), ])), ], id='epics:nt/NTNDArray:1.0')
def __init__(self, **kws): self.type = self.buildType(**kws)
[docs] def wrap(self, value): """Wrap numpy.ndarray as Value """ attrib = getattr(value, 'attrib', None) or {} S, NS = divmod(time.time(), 1.0) value = numpy.asarray(value) # loses any special/augmented attributes dims = list(value.shape) dims.reverse() # inner-most sent as left if 'ColorMode' not in attrib: # attempt to infer color mode from shape if value.ndim==2: attrib['ColorMode'] = 0 # gray elif value.ndim==3: for idx,dim in enumerate(dims): if dim==3: # assume it's a color attrib['ColorMode'] = 2 + idx # 2 - RGB1, 3 - RGB2, 4 - RGB3 break # assume that the first is color, and any subsequent dim=3 is a thin ROI dataSize = value.nbytes return Value(self.type, { 'value': (self._code2u[value.dtype.char], value.flatten()), 'compressedSize': dataSize, 'uncompressedSize': dataSize, 'uniqueId': 0, 'timeStamp': { 'secondsPastEpoch': S, 'nanoseconds': NS * 1e9, }, 'attribute': [{'name': K, 'value': V} for K, V in attrib.items()], 'dimension': [{'size': N, 'offset': 0, 'fullSize': N, 'binning': 1, 'reverse': False} for N in dims], })
[docs] @classmethod def unwrap(klass, value): """Unwrap Value as NTNDArray """ V = value.value if V is None: # Union empty. treat as zero-length char array V = numpy.zeros((0,), dtype=numpy.uint8) return V.view(klass.ntndarray)._store(value)
[docs] def assign(self, V, py): """Store python value in Value """ V.value = py