PVA Gateway

The PVA Gateway is a specialized proxy for the PV Access (PVA) Protocol which sits between groups of PVA client and of servers. (see What is PVAccess?) It serves two broad roles. To reduce the resource load on the server-facing side, and to apply access control restrictions to requests from the client facing side.

graph nogw {
serv1 [shape=box,label="PVA Server"];
serv2 [shape=box,label="PVA Server"];
serv3 [shape=box,label="PVA Server"];
cli1 [shape=box,label="PVA Client"];
cli2 [shape=box,label="PVA Client"];
serv1 -- cli1
serv2 -- cli1
serv3 -- cli1
serv1 -- cli2
serv2 -- cli2
serv3 -- cli2

Connections without Gateway

In this situation without a Gateway M clients connect to N servers with M*N TCP connections (sockets). If all clients are subscribed to the same set of PVs, then each server is sending the same data values M times.

graph gwnames {
serv1 [shape=box,label="PVA Server"];
serv2 [shape=box,label="PVA Server"];
serv3 [shape=box,label="PVA Server"];
subgraph clustergw {
    label="GW Process";
    gwc [label="GW Client"];
    gws [label="GW Server"];
cli1 [shape=box,label="PVA Client"];
cli2 [shape=box,label="PVA Client"];

serv1 -- gwc;
serv2 -- gwc;
serv3 -- gwc;
gws -- cli1;
gws -- cli2;

Gateway processes and connection

Adding a Gateway reduces the number of connections to M+N. With M one side, and N on the other. Further, a Gateway de-duplicates subscription data updates so that each server sends only a single copy to the Gateway, which then repeats it to each client.

These two facts combine to shield the Servers from an excessive numbers of Clients.

A prototypical scenario of Gateway usage is on a host computer with two network interfaces (NICs) on different subnets (and thus two different broadcast domains).

To take an example. A server has two NICs with IP addresses and .

graph gwnet {
serv [shape=box,label="PVA Server\n192.168.1.23"];
cli  [shape=box,label="PVA Client\n10.1.1.78"];
net1 [shape=none,label="Net"];
net2 [shape=none,label="Net"];
subgraph clustergw {
    label="GW Host";
    nic1 [shape=cds,label="NIC"];
    nic2 [shape=cds,label="NIC"];
net1 -- nic1;
net1 -- serv;
net2 -- nic2;
net2 -- cli;

In the following configuration we wish a client running on the host to be able to communicate with a server running on

/* JSON with C-style comments */
            "statusprefix":"GW:STS:", /* optional, but suggested */
        /* optional, allows server side access to Gateway status */

GW Client client192 is configured to search on the subnet by providing the broadcast address. This is the network to which the PVA Server is attached, so it will receive broadcast searches from this GW Client.

GW Server server10 is configured to listen on the subnet by providing the local interface address This is the network to which the PVA Client is attached, so this GW Server will receive search messages sent by the client. The interface broadcast address is also provided to enable sending of server beacon packets. This is an optimization to reduce connection time, and not required.

Additionally, both GW Servers server10 and server192 are configured to provide internal Gateway status PVs with the name prefix GW:STS:. See Status PVs for details.

This Gateway may be started by saving the preceding JSON as a file mygw.conf

pvagw mygw.conf

CLI Arguments


Unless the --no-ban-local argument is passed, a Gateway will ignore all Client connection attempts originating from the same host. This prevents a mis-configured Gateway from connecting to itself, but may cause surprise during gateway setup and testing.

usage: pvagw [-h] [--no-ban-local] [-v] [--logging LOGGING] [--debug] [-T] config

Positional Arguments


Config file

Named Arguments


Skip ban of local interfaces. Risk of GW talking to itself.

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Enable basic logging with DEBUG level

Default: 20


Use logging config from file (JSON in dictConfig format)


Enable extremely verbose low level PVA debugging

Default: False

-T, --test-config

Read and validate configuration files, then exit w/o starting a gateway. Also prints the names of all configuration files read.

Default: False

Configuration File

Configuration is provided as a file using JSON syntax with C-style comments. A full list of known keys for configuration scheme version 2.

/* C-style comments allowed */



Scheme version number. 2 is recommended for new files. Valid values are 1 or 2.

readOnly (default: false)

Boolean flag which, if set, acts as a global access control rule which rejects all PUT or RPC operations. This take precedence over any ACF file rules.


List of GW Client configurations.


Unique name for this GW Client

clients[].provider (default: “pva”)

Selects a ChannelProvider. Currently only “pva” is valid.

clients[].addrlist (default: “”)

List of broadcast and unicast addresses to which search messages will be sent.

clients[].autoaddrlist (default: true)

Whether to automatically populate addrlist with all local interface broadcast addresses. Use caution when setting true.

clients[].bcastport (default: 5076)

UDP port to which searches are sent.


List of GW Server configurations.


Unique name of this GW Server


A list of zero or more GW Client names. Search requests allowed through this server will be made through all listed clients.

servers[].interface (default: [“”])

A list of local interface addresses to which this GW Server will bind.

servers[].addrlist (default: “”)

List of broadcast and unicast addresses to which beacon messages will be sent

servers[].ignoreaddr (default: “”)

List of address to add into the banned list to explicit ignore hosts.

servers[].autoaddrlist (default: true)

Whether to automatically populate addrlist with all local interface broadcast addresses. Use caution when setting true.

servers[].serverport (default: 5075)

Default TCP port to bind. If not possible, a random port will be used.

servers[].bcastport (default: 5076)

UDP port bound to receive search requests. Also to which beacons are sent.

servers[].getholdoff (default: 0)

A value greater than zero enables rate limiting of Get operations. getholdoff defines as a hold-off time after a GET on a PV completes before the another will be issued. Another GET for the same PV made before the hold-off expires will be delayed until expiration. Concurrent GET operations may be combined.

This activity is per PV.

servers[].access (default: “”)

Name an ACF file to use for access control decisions for requests made through this server. See gwacf. Relative file names are interpreted in relation to the directory containing the config file.

servers[].pvlist (default: “”)

Name of PV List file to use for access control decisions for PVs accessed through this server. See gwpvlist. Relative file names are interpreted in relation to the directory containing the config file.


Needed only if access key is provided, and clients list has more than one entry. Unambiguously selects which client is used to connect INP PVs for use by conditional ACF rules. If not provided, then the first client in the list is used.

Status PVs

Servers with the statusprefix key set will provide access to the following PVs. These values are aggregated from all GW Servers and GW Clients.


An RPC only PV which allows testing of pvlist and ACF rules.

$ pvcall <statusprefix>asTest pv=some:name

Other arguments include user="xx", peer=", and roles=["yy"]. If omitted, the credentials of the requesting client are used.


A list of clients names connected to the GW server


A list of channels to which the GW Client is connected









Each is a table showing bandwidth usage reports aggregated in various ways.

us for upstream, GW Client side. ds for downstream, GW Server side.

bypv vs. byhost group results by the PV name involved, or the peer host. us:byhost:* is grouped by upstream server (IOC). ds:byhost:* is grouped by downstream client.

tx vs. rx is direction of data flow as seen by the gateway process.

eg. us:byhost:rx is data received from Servers by the GW Client grouped by Server IP.

eg. ds:bypv:tx is data send by the GW Server to Clients grouped by PV name.

Access Control Model

A Gateway can enforce access control restrictions on requests flowing through it. However, no restrictions are made by default. And a Gateway will attempt to connect any PV and allow any operation. One or more of the readOnly, access, and/or pvlist configuration file keys is needed to enable restrictions.

The simplest and more direct restriction is the readOnly configuration file key. If set, no PUT and RPC operations are allowed. MONITOR and GET operations are allowed, so readOnly applies a simple one-way policy to allow Clients to receive data without being permitted to change settings.

A more granular policy may be defined in separate PV List file and/or ACF file.

A combination of PV List and ACF may take as into consideration the PV name being searched and the Client host name/IP when deciding whether to allow a PV. Further, allowed PVs then provide credentials which may be used to grant specific privileges needed for some operations (mainly PUT and RPC).

PV List File

A PV List file contains a list of regular expressions, each with a corresponding action. Either to deny (ignore) a Client search attempt, or to allow it through, possibly with a different PV name, and/or subject to further restrictions in an ACF file (according to ASG name).

Supported PV List file syntax is mostly compatible with that of the Channel Access Gateway. At present, only the “ALLOW, DENY” evaluation order is supported.

If no PV List file is provided, an implicit default is used which allows any PV name through under the DEFAULT ASG.

# implied default PV List file

Syntax is line based. Order of precedence is DENY over ALLOW and last to first.

So a line .* DENY intended to block all names not specifically allowed must be placed at the top of the file.

Valid (non-blank) lines are

# comment

# explicitly specify evaluation order.
# ALLOW, DENY is the default
# DENY, ALLOW is not supported

# Allow matching PVs.  Use ASG DEFAULT and ASL 1
<regexp> ALLOW
# Allow matching PVs.  Use ASG MYGRP and ASL 1
<regexp> ALLOW MYGRP
# Allow matching PVs.  Use ASG MYGRP and ASL 0
<regexp> ALLOW MYGRP 0

# Allow Client requests matching PVs.  Forward to Servers under a different name
# regexp captures may be used.
# otherwise behaves like ALLOW
<regexp> ALIAS <subst>
<regexp> ALIAS <subst> MYGRP
<regexp> ALIAS <subst> MYGRP 0

# Ignore any client searches
<regexp> DENY

# Ignore specific searches from a specific client
<regexp> DENY FROM <hostname>

ACF Rules File

An Access Security File (ACF) is a list of access control rules to be applied to requests based on which ASG was selected by a PV List file, or DEFAULT if no PV List file is used. The ASG name selects which a group of rules.

Unknown ASG names use the DEFAULT rules. If no DEFAULT group is defined, then no privileges are granted.

Each ACF file may define zero or more groups of host names (HAG s) and/or user names (UAG s). Also, one or more list of rules (ASG s).


acf       ::=  | item acf
item      ::=  uag | hag | asg
uag       ::=  UAG ( "NAME" ) { users }
hag       ::=  HAG ( "NAME" ) { hosts }
asg       ::=  ASG ( "NAME" ) { asitems }
users     ::=  "HOSTNAME"
              "HOSTNAME" , users
hosts     ::=  "USERNAME"
               "USERNAME" , hosts
asitems   ::=  | asitem asitems
asitem    ::=  INP[A-Z] ( "PVNAME" )
               RULE ( ASL#, priv) rule_cond
               RULE ( ASL#, priv, trap) rule_cond
priv      ::=  READ | WRITE | PUT | RPC | UNCACHED
rule_cond ::=  | { conds }
conds     ::=  | cond conds
cond      ::=  UAG ( "NAME" )
               HAG ( "NAME" )
               CALC ( "EXPR" )

eg. PVs in ASG DEFAULT only permit PUT or RPC requests originating from hosts incontrol or physics. PUT requests from physics will logged.

HAG(MCF) { "incontrol" }
HAG(OTHER) { "physics" }
    RULE(1, WRITE) {


RULE s may grant one of the following privileges.


Shorthand to grant both PUT and RPC.


Allow PUT operation on all fields.


Allow RPC operation


Special privilege which allows a client to bypass deduplication/sharing of subscription data. A client would make use of this privilege by including a pvRequest option record._options.cache with a boolean false value.


Accepted for compatibility. PVA Gateway always allows read access for any PV which is allowed by the PV List file. Use a DENY in a PV List file to prevent client(s) from reading/subscribing to certain PVs.

HAG Hostnames and IPs

Entries in a HAG() may be either host names, or numeric IP addresses. Host names are resolved once on Gateway startup. Therefore, changes in the hostname to IP mapping will not be visible until a Gateway is restarted.

UAG and Credentials

PV Access protocol provides a weakly authenticated means of identification based on a remotely provided user name. This is combined with a set of “role”s taken by looking up system groups of which the username is a member. (See /etc/nsswitch.conf).

Both user and role names may appear in UAG lists. eg.


And a rule:

    RULE(1, WRITE) {

In this case, the RULE will be match if a client identifies itself with username root or if the (remotely provided) username is a member of the (locally tested) admin role (eg. unix group).

In this case, such a match will grant the WRITE privilege for PVs in the DEFAULT ASG.

Role/group membership can be tested with the <statusprefix>asTest status PV.

TRAPWRITE and Put logging

If a RULE includes the TRAPWRITE modifier, then a PUT operation it allows will be logged through the p4p.gw.audit python logger.

See the --logging CLI argument, and the python documentation of dictConfig()

Application Notes

The process of configuring a Gateway will usually begin by looking at the physical and/or logical topology of the networks in question.

A Gateway is typically placed at the boundary between one or more networks (subnets).

While a simple Gateway configuration will have a single GW Server connected to a single GW Client, more complicated configurations are possible, with many GW Servers and one GW Client, on GW Server and many GW Clients, or a many to many configuration.

It is valid for a GW Client and GW Server to be associated with the same host interface and port provided that they are not associated with each other. Pairs of such GW Client and GW Server may be cross linked to form a bi-directional Gateway.

It is meaningful to configure a GW Server with no GW Clients ( "clients":[] ) provided that the "statusprefix" key is set. This server will only provide the status PVs. This can be used to eg. provide GW status monitoring from both sides of a one-way Gateway.

Differences from CA gateway

Summary of known differences from CA gateway.

  • EVALUATION ORDER DENY, ALLOW is not supported.

  • Permission READ is implied. Write-only PVs are not possible.

Implementation Details

Gateway is implemented as a hybrid of Python and C++. In the interest of performance, Python code is only in the “fast” path for the PV search/connection decision. After a PV is connected; permissions changes, auditing, and monitoring are communicated asynchronously from Python code.

The APIs described below are not currently considered stable or public for use by external modules. They are documentation here for the purposes of internal development and debugging.

Negative Results Cache

In order to shield the Python testChannel() handler from repeated reconnect attempts for denied PVs, a list of blocked PVs, IPs, and pairs of PV and IP is maintained in C++ code. Search requests matching one of these three criteria will be ignored without calling testChannel().

p4p.gw Frontend

This module utilizes the related C++ extension to setup and manage a Gateway which is configured in a manner similar to the pva2pva gateway with an access control policy defined in a manner similar to cagateway. Other means of configuration and policy definition could be implemented.

C++ Extension

Setup execution flow for use of the C++ extension is:

  1. Create a ClientProvider

  2. Create a Provider using this client

  3. Create a p4p.server.Server referencing the provider name.

More than one Provider may reference to the same ClientProvider. A p4p.server.Server may reference more than one Provider, and a Provider may be referenced by more than one p4p.server.Server. Many p4p.server.Server s may be created.

After server startup, the handler object associated with a Provider will be called according to the _gw.ProviderHandler interface.

The C++ extension deals only with IP addresses in string form, possibly with port number (eg. “”, and never host names.

class p4p._gw.Provider

Add the upstream name to the channel cache and begin trying to connect. Returns Claim if the channel is connected, and Ignore if it is not.


usname (bytes) – Upstream (Server side) PV name


Claim or Ignore


Force disconnection of all channels connected to the named PV


usname (bytes) – Upstream (Server side) PV name


Call periodically to remove unused Channel from channel cache.


Preemptively Add an entry to the negative result cache. Either host or usname must be not None

  • host (bytes) – None or a host name

  • usname (bytes) – None or a upstream (Server side) PV name


Clear the negative results cache


Returns PV names in channel cache


a set of strings


Return statistics of various internal caches

Return type



Run Client/Upstream bandwidth usage report


List of tuple

Return type

[(usname, opTx, opRx, peer, trTx, trRx)]

class p4p._gw.InfoBase
class p4p._gw.CreateOp

Handle for in-progress Channel creation request


Create a Channel with a given upstream (server-side) name


name (bytes) – Upstream name to use. This is what the GW Client will search for.


A Channel

class p4p._gw.Channel


class p4p._gw.ProviderHandler

A Handler object associated with a Provider should implement these methods

testChannel(self, pvname, peer)
  • pvname (str) – PV name being searched (downstream)

  • peer (str) – IP address of client which is searching


Claim, Ignore, BanHost, BanPV, or BanHostPV

Hook into search phase. Called each time a client searches for a pvname. If permitted, call and return the result of Provider.testChannel() with the desired upstream (server-side PV name).

  • Returning Claim may result in a later call to makeChannel().

  • Returning Ignore may result in a repeated call to testChannel() in future.

  • Returning BanHost adds this host to the negative results cache

  • Returning BanPV adds this PV to the negative results cache.

  • Returning BanHostPV adds this combination of host and PV to the negative results cache

makeChannel(self, op)

Hook info channel creation phase. If permitted, call and return the result of CreateOp.create(). The Channel object may be stored by python code to track and effect active connections. eg. call Channel.access() to set/change privileges. Or Channel.close() to force disconnection.

Due to the continuous nature of PVA client (re)connection process, inability to create a channel at this stage is treated as a hard failure to avoid a reset loop. If it is necessary to return None, then steps should be taken to ensure that a re-connection attempt would have a different result. eg. through Provider.forceBan().


op (CreateOp) – Handle for ongoing operation


A Channel.

audit(self, msg)

Hook info PUT logging process. Called from a worker thread.


msg (str) – Message string to be logged