.. _releasenotes: Release Notes ============= .. currentmodule:: setuptools_dso 2.10 (Nov 2023) --------------- * Support for namespace packages (Nathan Shiraini) * Propagate inplace to all sub-Command (Nathan Shiraini) * correctly test for aarch64 endianness 2.9 (June 2023) --------------- * Extend and fixup :py:meth:`ProbeToolchain.eval_macros`. Adds ``language=`` argument, and fix when headers are included. 2.8 (May 2023) -------------- * Fix linking to editable install on Windows (Kirill Smelkov) * Try to limit parallel compile default by RAM as well as CPU. On Linux only. * Document :ref:`num_jobs`, understood since 1.4. 2.7 (Feb 2023) -------------- * Ensure package with DSO but no Extension is installed as platlib. * Adds `cmdclass` overrides for `build` and `install`. 2.6 (Sept 2022) --------------- * Avoid mutable default arguments * Workaround probable `bug `_ in `setuptools >= 63.4.3 `_ 2.5 (Jan 2022) -------------- * Add :py:attr:`ProbeToolchain.info` and :py:class:`probe.ToolchainInfo` for :ref:`probe_classify`. * Add :py:meth:`ProbeToolchain.eval_macros` 2.4 (Oct 2021) -------------- * More logging from DSO search process. * Add setuptools as runtime dependency. (Edmund Blomley) 2.3 (Aug 2021) -------------- * Strip out "-flto" when doing probe compiles with GCC and Clang. Fixes :py:meth:`setuptools_dso.ProbeToolchain.sizeof` size extraction. 2.2 (Aug 2021) -------------- * Add informational prints to :py:class:`setuptools_dso.ProbeToolchain` methods. * :py:func:`setuptools_dso.setup` demote error to warning if 'bdist_wheel' already overridden. 2.1 (July 2021) --------------- * Introduce usage of **$SETUPTOOLS_DSO_PLAT_NAME** to override platform name during wheel builds * Add :py:class:`setuptools_dso.ProbeToolchain` for toolchain introspection. * Allow :py:func:`setuptools_dso.setup` argument x_dsos= to be a one argument callable returning a list of DSO instances. * Correctly note that wheels with DSOs are not pure. 2.0 (June 2021) --------------- * Begin automatic generation of an "info" python module for each DSO. (Kaleb Barrett) * Add the :ref:`dsoinfo` API to interact with "info" modules. 1.7 (May 2020) -------------- * Fix support for develop install (pip install -e). (Kirill Smelkov) 1.6 (May 2020) -------------- * Use @rpath as install_name prefix on MacOS. (Mehul Tikekar) * Remove usage of install_name_tool executable on MacOS. 1.5 (Jan 2020) -------------- * Fix parallel compile on MacOS with py>=3.8. 1.4 (Jan 2020) -------------- * Add fake cythonize() when Cython code generator not installed * Parallel compile of DSO sources. * build_dso: Take package_dir into account. (Kirill Smelkov) 1.3 (Nov 2019) -------------- * Add cythonize() wrapper * Add "don't clobber" logic for setup() arguments. (Kirill Smelkov) * handle DSOs in root (not in a package) 1.2 (Aug 2019) -------------- * include LICENSE/COPYRIGHT in dist 1.1 (Aug 2019) -------------- * Fix inplace build. (Kirill Smelkov) * Fix incremental rebuild. (Kirill Smelkov) 1.0 (Oct 2018) -------------- * Initial stable release