PVXS client/server for PVA Protocol =================================== This module provides a library (libpvxs.so or pvxs.dll) and a set of CLI utilities acting as PVAccess protocol client and/or server. PVXS is functionally equivalent to the `pvDataCPP `_ and `pvAccessCPP `_ modules, which it hopes to eventually supplant (Ok, the author hopes). - VCS: https://github.com/mdavidsaver/pvxs - Docs: https://mdavidsaver.github.io/pvxs - `Issues `_ (see :ref:`reportbug`) - :ref:`contrib` Dependencies * A C++11 compliant compiler * GCC >= 4.8 * Visual Studio >= 2015 / 12.0' * clang * `EPICS Base `_ >=3.15.1 * `libevent `_ >=2.0.1 (Optionally bundled) * (optional) `CMake `_ >=3.1, only needed when building bundled libevent See :ref:`building` for details. Download -------- Releases are published to https://github.com/mdavidsaver/pvxs/releases. See :ref:`relpolicy` for details. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents: overview netconfig example building cli value client server ioc util details releasenotes Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`