Command Line Tools ================== A basic set of command line tools are currently provided to facilitate testing and development. End users should prefer the CLI tools from the `pvAccessCPP `_ module for day to day use. * ``pvxcall`` - analogous to ``pvcall`` * ``pvxget`` - analogous to ``pvget`` * ``pvxinfo`` - analogous to ``pvinfo`` * ``pvxmonitor`` - analogous to ``pvmonitor`` or ``pvget -m`` * ``pvxput`` - analogous to ``pvput`` * ``pvxvct`` - UDP search/beacon Troubleshooting tool. Troubleshooting with Virtual Cable Tester ----------------------------------------- The ``pvxvct`` executable is capable of listening for UDP searches from PVA clients, and/or UDP beacons from PVA servers. Together with ``pvxget`` they can be used to investigate communications issues. On the host with the PVA server (IOC or otherwise), run the following to listen for searches. :: $ pvxvct -C -P my:random:test:pvname While this is running, switch to the host where the PVA client resides and run :: $ pvxget my:random:test:pvname If all goes well, the pvxvct process should print several lines as search requests are received. eg. :: $ pvxvct -C -P my:random:test:pvname 2020-04-09T19:37:01.146272170 INFO pvxvct Searching for: 2020-04-09T19:37:01.146442772 INFO pvxvct "my:random:test:pvname" ... Note that pvxvct does not use the ``$EPICS_PVA*`` environment variables and by default listens on ````. Sites using a non-default port will need to add ``-B``. If searches are not seen, then investigate client :ref:`clientconf` (``$EPICS_PVA*`` environment variables), and firewall settings. If searches are seen, then switch to ``pvxget -d ...`` and a real PV name. The output will be very verbose. Look for lines like the following: :: $ pvxget -d my:real:pv:name ... 2020-04-09T19:44:46.064937960 DEBUG UDP search Rx 53 from 2020-04-09T19:44:46.064947396 DEBUG Search reply for my:real:pv:name 2020-04-09T19:44:46.065151400 DEBUG Connecting to 2020-04-09T19:44:46.065200101 DEBUG Connected to ... 2020-04-09T19:44:46.067255960 DEBUG Server accepts auth Repeat with ``pvxinfo`` in place of ``pvxget``. If the ``...accepts auth...`` line is seen, but no subsequent error message, then see :ref:`reportbug` and attach the output of ``pvxget -d ...``.