Source code for p4p.util

import logging
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from functools import partial

    from Queue import Queue, Full, Empty
except ImportError:
    from queue import Queue, Full, Empty
from threading import Thread, Event

__all__ = [

[docs]class WorkQueue(object): """A threaded work queue. """ _stopit = object() def __init__(self, maxsize=5): self._Q = Queue(maxsize=maxsize) def push(self, callable): self._Q.put_nowait(callable) # throws Queue.Full def push_wait(self, callable): self._Q.put(callable)
[docs] def interrupt(self): """Break one call to handle() eg. Call N times to break N threads. This call blocks if the queue is full. """ self._Q.put(self._stopit)
[docs] def handle(self): """Process queued work until interrupt() is called """ while True: # TODO: Queue.get() (and anything using thread.allocate_lock # ignores signals :( so timeout periodically to allow delivery try: callable = None # ensure no lingering references to past work while blocking callable = self._Q.get(True, 1.0) except Empty: continue # retry on timeout try: if callable is self._stopit: break callable() except: _log.exception("Error from WorkQueue w/ %r", callable) finally: self._Q.task_done()
class ThreadedWorkQueue(WorkQueue): def __init__(self, name=None, workers=1, daemon=False, **kws): assert workers>=1, workers WorkQueue.__init__(self, **kws) = name self._daemon = daemon self._T = [None]*workers def __enter__(self): self.start() def __exit__(self, A,B,C): self.stop() def start(self): for n in range(len(self._T)): if self._T[n] is not None: continue T = self._T[n] = Thread(name='%s[%d]'%(, n), target=self.handle) T.daemon = self._daemon T.start() return self # allow chaining def stop(self): [self.interrupt() for T in self._T if T is not None] [T.join() for T in self._T if T is not None] self._T = [None]*len(self._T) return self # allow chaining def sync(self, timeout=None): wait1 = [Event() for _n in range(len(self._T))] wait2 = [Event() for _n in range(len(self._T))] def syncX(wait1, wait2): wait1.set() wait2.wait() [self.push_wait(partial(syncX, wait1[n], wait2[n])) for n in range(len(self._T))] # wait for all workers to ready wait1 barrier for W in wait1: W.wait(timeout=timeout) # allow workers to proceeed for W in wait2: W.set() return self # allow chaining # lazy create a default work queues class _DefaultWorkQueue(object): def __init__(self, workers=4): # TODO: configurable? self.W = [None]*workers self.n = 0 def __del__(self): self.stop() def __call__(self): W = self.W[self.n] if W is None: # daemon=True otherwise the MainThread exit handler tries to join too early W = self.W[self.n] = ThreadedWorkQueue(maxsize=0, daemon=True).start() # sort of load balancing by giving different queues to each SharedPV # but preserve ordering or callbacks as each SharedPV has only one queue self.n = (self.n+1)%len(self.W) return W def sync(self): [W.sync() for W in self.W if W is not None] def stop(self): [W.stop() for W in self.W if W is not None] self.W = [None]*len(self.W) _defaultWorkQueue = _DefaultWorkQueue()