.. _valueapi: Working with Value and Type =========================== .. currentmodule:: p4p Each :py:class:`Value` corresponds conceptually with a C/C++ struct in that it consists of zero or more data fields. Values are strongly typed, with each Value having a corresponding :py:class:`Type`. Each field has a concrete type, which may in turn be a sub-structure. Further, each Value holds a bit mask which identifies fields which have "changed". This bit mask is used during PVA protocol operations to select a subset of fields which will actually be transfered over the network. Working with Type and Value --------------------------- :py:class:`Value` is initialized in two steps. First a :py:class:`Type` describing the data structure is created, then the Value container is built, and optionally initialized. >>> from p4p import Type, Value >>> T = Type([('value', 'i')]) >>> V = Value(T, {'value':42}) Here a simple structure is defined with a single field 'value' which is a signed 32-bit integer. The created value initializes 'value' to 42. This Value can then be accessed with: >>> V.value 42 >>> V['value'] 42 >>> V.get('value', 111) 42 >>> V.get('invalid', 111) # uses default 111 Field values can also be changed >>> V.value = 43 >>> V['value'] = 43 .. _valchange: Change tracking ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Each :py:class:`Value` maintains a mask marking which of its field have been initialized/changed. A newly created Value has no fields marked (empty mask). :: V = Value(T) assert V.asSet()==set() Initial values can be provided at construction. :: V = Value(T, {'value': 42}) assert V.changed('value') assert V.asSet()==set('value') Assignment of a new value automatically marks a field as changed. :: V = Value(T) assert not V.changed('value') V.value = 42 assert V.changed('value') The change mask can be cleared if necessary. eg. when passing the same Value to SharedPV.post() several times. :: V = Value(T, {'value': 42}) assert V.changed('value') V.unmark() assert not V.changed('value') .. _valuecodes: Type definitions ---------------- The :py:mod:`p4p.nt` module contains helpers to build common :py:class:`Type` definitions. Structures are strongly typed. The type is specified with a code. Supported codes are given in the table below. Type specifier codes: ==== ======= Code Type ==== ======= ? bool s unicode b s8 B u8 h s16 H u16 i i32 I u32 l i64 L u64 f f32 d f64 v variant U union S struct ==== ======= .. note:: Prefix with 'a' for "array of". For example, 'ai' is an array of signed 32-bit integers. A :py:class:`Type` is build with a list of tuples, where each tuple defines a field. For all type codes except struct 'S' and discriminating union 'U' only the type code is needed. :: T = Type([ ('value', 's'), # string ('other', 'ad'), # array of double floating ]) sub-structures and discriminating union have a nested tuple to fully define the field type. >>> T = Type([ ('value', 's'), # string ('alarm', ('S', None, [ ('severity', 'i'), ('status', 'i'), ('message', 's'), ])), ]) >>> V = Value(T, {'alarm':{'severity':0}}) >>> V.alarm.severity 0 >>> V.alarm['severity'] 0 >>> V['alarm.severity'] 0 Here a sub-structure 'alarm' is defined with three fields. A discriminating union is defined in the same manner. >>> V = Type([ ('value', ('u', None, [ ('ival', 'i'), ('sval', 's'), ])), ])() >>> V.value None >>> V.value = ('ival', 42) # explicitly select union field name >>> V.value 42 >>> V.value = ('sval', 'hello') >>> V.value u'hello' >>> V.value = 43 # beware still using 'sval' !! >>> V.value u'43' Assigning variant and union ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As the preceding example suggests, the rules for assigning values to variant and union fields can be surprising. The rules for assigning a variant are as follows: ============= ================================ value type Action ============= ================================ None clears current value Value Stores a structure int signed 32-bit (python 2.x only) long signed 64-bit float 64-bit floating bytes|unicode string ndarray array of integer or floating ============= ================================ Further, a variant union may be explicitly assigned with a specific scalar/array type using a tuple of a type specifier code and value. Other types throw an Exception. >>> V = Type([('x','v')])() >>> V.x = 4.2 # inferred 64-bit floating >>> V.x = ('f', 4.2) # explicit 32-bit floating The rules for assigning a discriminating union are as follows: ============== ======================================================================== value type Action ============== ======================================================================== None clears current value ('field', val) explicitly specify the union field name val If a union field has previously been selected, coerce assigned value val If no union field previously select, attempt magic selection and coerce. ============== ======================================================================== Other types throw an Exception. API Reference ------------- .. module:: p4p .. autoclass:: Value .. automethod:: tolist .. automethod:: todict .. automethod:: tostr .. automethod:: items .. automethod:: getID .. automethod:: type .. automethod:: has .. automethod:: get .. automethod:: select .. method:: __getattr__(field) Access a sub-field. If the sub-field value. .. method:: __setattr__(field, value) Assign sub-field. .. method:: __getitem__(field) Same as __getattr__ .. method:: __setitem__(field, value) Same as __setattr__ .. automethod:: changed .. automethod:: changedSet .. automethod:: mark .. automethod:: unmark .. method:: asSet Deprecated alias for asSet() .. autoclass:: Type .. automethod:: getID .. automethod:: aspy .. automethod:: has .. method:: __getattr__(field) Return Type of field. Same as self.aspy(field) for non-structure fields. .. automethod:: keys .. automethod:: values .. automethod:: items .. automethod:: __iter__ Relation to C++ API ------------------- For those familiar with the pvDataCPP API. A :py:class:`Type` wraps a Structure. :py:class:`Value` wraps a PVStructure and an associated BitSet describing which fields have been initialized.